Proof That US Naturalization Really Works.


Naturalization is the process by which a foreign-born individual becomes a citizen of another country. It can involve various stages, such as residency requirements, language testing, and a citizenship test. It can also involve conferring rights and privileges, such as the right to vote in local elections or run for public office. Naturalization laws vary from country to country, but one thing is certain: naturalization really works. However, an Immigration attorney in Los Angeles can help you understand these laws.

The proof that naturalization really works lies in its success stories around the world. Every year, thousands of immigrants become citizens through naturalization processes in their new countries with the help of immigration attorneys in Los Angeles. People from all corners of the globe find a home in these welcoming nations and gain both cultural and economic advantages from their newfound citizenship status.

Benefits of Naturalization: 

There are several benefits of naturalization that the citizens of the US can enjoy, as explained below:

Right to vote:

The right to vote is one of the most significant advantages that come with US citizenship. Naturalized citizens can exercise their voting rights in local, state, and national elections. This important right grants them a say in decisions that affect their lives and the communities in which they live.

Ability to own property

The ability to own property is another benefit of naturalizing as a US citizen. While non-citizens may be able to purchase real estate without restriction, owning property may become more difficult if they move or travel abroad for long periods of time. US citizens, however, are free to buy, sell, and otherwise manage their property without any restrictions due to their citizenship status.

Alleviating Deportation:

A more practical advantage of naturalization is the ability it provides to avoid deportation. Foreign-born individuals who have overstayed their visas or committed a crime may be subject to deportation if they are found by immigration authorities. However, those who are naturalized citizens may not be deported from the US even if they commit certain crimes because of their protected status.

Increased Employment Opportunities:

Naturalizing as a US citizen can also open up employment opportunities that might not be available to non-citizens. In some cases, employers may prefer to hire those with US citizenship because they are perceived as more loyal to the company. Naturalized citizens also may have access to certain job opportunities that require security clearances or involve sensitive information, which only US citizens can legally receive.

Work and Travel Abroad:

Finally, US citizens can enjoy the added benefit of traveling and working abroad. Naturalized citizens retain their American citizenship regardless of how long they live away from the US, so they are free to travel and work in other countries for extended periods of time with no fear of losing their status.


The proof is in the numbers and stories of individuals who have become successful members of society after going through the naturalization process. As these stories demonstrate, naturalization really works and provides many tangible benefits for both immigrants and their communities. It gives them a chance for a better life in their newly adopted homes and ensures that all members of society can participate in decision-making processes that affect everyone’s lives. Whether you are from another country or already a citizen of the United States, it is clear that a naturalization is a powerful tool for those who wish to make a better life for themselves and their families. With the help of Immigration attorney in Los Angeles at Di Martino Law Group, you can get the assistance you need to make sure that your naturalization process is completed successfully and quickly. Contact us today so we can help you start the journey towards becoming a US Citizen!


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